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ECIL Walk-in interview 2023 for Technical Officer / New Delhi

Electronics Corporation of India Limited

Education : B.E / B.TECH
Types : Full-Time
Salary ₹25000-31000
Last Date Apply: 17-Nov-2023
Job Description :

Vacancies & Eligibility Criteria:

Post Vacancy Age Qualification Pay
Technical Officer28 PostsB.E/B.TechRs.25,000-31,000/-

Detailed Eligibility:
Educational Qualification:
Technical Officer:
Candidate should have obtained at least 60% in B.E/B.Tech in ECE/ETC/Electronics
One-year post-qualification experience in the field of Testing, Maintenance/Installation of Electronic and electric equipment
Duration: Two years (extendable for two more years, depending on project requirements & satisfactory performance of the candidate)

Age Limit(As on 17 November 2023): 30 Years
Age Relaxation:
3 years for OBC, 5 years for SC; Candidates belonging to the PwBD category, having a minimum 40% disability or more will get 10 more years of relaxation in addition to the relaxation applicable to the categories mentioned above.
Further, the upper age limit is relaxed by 5 years for candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir from 01/01/1980 to 31/12/1989

For First Year: Rs.25,000/-
For Second Year: Rs. 28,000/-
For Third Year/Fourth Year: Rs.31,000/-
No.of.Vacancies: 28 Posts (UR-12, EWS-2, OBC-7, SC-5, ST-2)

Selection Process:
Candidates will be allowed only after registration and followed by successful document verification.
Shortlisted candidates will be evaluated based on Personal Interviews and final recommendations shall be made as per the following criteria.
Qualification 20% of aggregate percentage in B.Tech./B.E.
Relevant experience -30 marks (10 marks for initial one year experience & 10 marks for each extra year max. up to 30 marks including initial one)
Personal Interview -50 marks

How to apply for ECIL Recruitment 2023?
Interested and eligible candidates can attend the walk-in interview with the duly filled-in application form & resume along with the relevant documents on 17 November 2023(9.00 AM)

Venue details: 
Date & Reporting time: 17 November 2023 from 9.00 AM

ECIL Zonal Office,
DDA Local Shopping Complex,
Ring Road,
New Delhi – 110028.

Note: Registration closure time at the venue is 11.30 hrs
Documents to be taken (original certificates & a set of self-attested):
10th Class Certificate or School leaving certificate as Date of birth proof
Documents in support of Qualification i.e. BE/B.Tech. (Certificate & Marks sheet) CGPA conversion certificate from institution/university, if any
Experience certificates from previous employment, clearly mentioning the duration (from & to dates) and post held.
If a candidate is currently in employment, a copy of the Appointment Order & recent pay slips are to be produced without fail. Work experience indicated without supporting documents shall not be considered and is liable to be excluded while calculating the post-qualification tenure;
Category certificate (EWS/OBC/SC/ST), if applying against such reserved posts; In case of OBC, (not older than a year from date of selection) with mandate mention of ‘Non-Creamy Layer’ clause
Govt. issued Identity proof & recent p/p size color photograph
A valid certificate with respect to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD); Discharge certificate in case of Ex-servicemen; Relevant certificate, if claiming age relaxation as candidate from J&K; if any

Important Link
Notification Click Here
Apply Online Click Here
1 year ago
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